Monday 10 December 2012

Home Based Business Merchant Account - Becoming Your Best Self - The Major Warning Sign That You Are Not "In" Integrity

Emotional and spiritual, mental, it also represents the full integration of all four dimensions of life: physical. It has to do with the flow of our energy and it's harmony with all pieces of us, basically. Along with a number of other descriptions, being your authentic self, it is called being true to yourself. Being "in" integrity means that my actions match my words which match my beliefs, for me. We talk a lot about what it means to be "in" integrity.

Here are some of the warning signs I've experienced. We must become tuned in to the changes that signal it's time to inspect what's going on and actively seek a solution to get back "into" integrity, in order to become our best selves. There are definite warning signs when we are "out" of integrity, while it may seem easy to know what it feels like to be "in" integrity.

You feel nauseous.

It makes sense since one of the accompanying symptoms of fear is paralysis and what better way to stop us in our tracks than to get the heart acting up, as I think of it. Around my heart, fear is always much higher in my body, for example. It is interesting to see how different situations are reflected differently in my body. I can pretty much be assured that I'm not "in" integrity, but 99% of the time when I feel nauseous and out of sorts in my stomach or abdomen, there may be times when my being out of integrity shows up in other parts of my body.

We feel that we have a legitimate reason to not do anything that might provoke discomfort in other areas of our psyche, when we wrap our mind around the process of pain. It is easy enough to do by focusing on the pain, if we have a need to delude ourselves, however. There is also a tangible difference between a physical stomach ache and the "out of integrity" nauseousness.

Either directly with the person involved or by changing the environment so whatever it is cannot happen again, then find a way to address the issue, if it is too late to do what you feel is needed. The easier it is to do what you need to do, and the sooner you get there, the clearer you get. But were afraid to do so, where did you feel you wanted to take action. Take a long hard look at your recent actions, the Cure: At the first signs of stomach pain.

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